A weed competes with crop plants for light, nutrition, water and air. They cause significant loss to agriculture and also reduce the productive capacity of land. Aim of this study is to evaluate effects of herbicide imazamox (IMI) on germination and seedling growth parameters and determine the optimal herbicide imazamox (IMI) dose which can be used in wheat breeding programs. In this study, 4 IMI doses [0 (control), 40, 50, 60 ppm], 3 buffer solutions (pH = 7.0) [MES hydrate, phosphate buffer and pure water] and 2 different pre-applications (seeds were kept either in herbicide solution for 24 hours or germinated in media containing herbicide) were applied as randomized plots design with two factors and three replications according randomized block in factorial design. Germination rate, average germination time, germination rate index and germination vigor index, root and shoot length and weights were measured. Control application with 24 h kept in water in all tested buffers resulted in increase in average germination time whereas decrease in all other germination parameters. No differences were observed between buffer applications regarding to Control treatment in germination media containing herbicide. When herbicide doses were compared based on average values of buffer applications, average germination time was elevated in respect to increase concentration of herbicide doses, on the other hand, common decrease was observed in other parameters. Effect of herbicide was observed on seedling parameters such as root and shoot length and weight rather than germination parameters. The highest adverse effect on plant growth and development was observed in phosphate buffer with 60 ppm imazomax application.